Posted at 17:49h
Despite all you’ve tried, it still isn’t working…
I’m telling you this now: nothing is as it seems, and everything is a ruse. Most know nothing, and the whole show is ran by the few who do. The suggested avenues by which results are to come for the average man are a farce, and no matter how much brute force you shovel into it, you wont find yourself a single pace forward.
Despite what you see in advertisements (“this one weird trick”), the real secrets to this life aren’t readily available. You won’t discover which cogs are cranking out results by a simple google search.
In the same way that a secluded, unknown shore on the ocean loses its value once it’s discovered and becomes another crowded beach, so do the keepers hold on to their secrets dearly, for once the information leaks, it’s not longer a secret and will not retain any functioning power.
The people who know the secrets of the world, aren’t selling them either (though they will try to convince you that they are). Their secrets are worth infinitely more to them untold than whatever obscene fee they try to charge you. Once money is involved you can be sure they are a phony.
If the enemy is keeping them locked down, is it possible to learn any of the formulas? Why would the magician ever want to reveal his secret if it puts himself in danger?
Good people don’t try to keep their secrets from the earnest seeker – maybe he too was helped along his path and now, having refined the secrets, he keeps with the honor system and passes them on to the next in line. The keepers do, however, have to wrap these keys and codes in swaddling cloth so that they may be protected from the unworthy. They hide them in books, code them in lyrics, depict them in works of art. They transfer them discreetly through mediums of conversation and demonstrations of concept.
If you realize that the world doesn’t work the way you’re told, then you too are a seeker, and your cognizance has served as your baptism of fire.
This cryptic post is a broad and vague introduction to what I plan to start doing on my blog, passing on secrets I’ve discovered and wish I’d known, to my fellow weirdos and misfits who are where I once was when I needed a clue.
I recently took a solo day trip to Rockaway Beach to clear my head. I was thinking about what I wanted to spend myself on this year. One thing I found myself meditating on, was picking up my solo-music again. Not just the music, but also the message. I’ve been kicking around the idea of blogging for a while now, and it all came together for me. Writing is a great way for me to keep a steady flow of output and regular cycle of creative juices. My songs have been a great outlet for my thoughts, but you can only explore ideas so much in a 3 minute song. I want to start getting my message out on a more in-depth, expansive scale, and thus here I am.
I’ve been saying a lot through my music, but it’s not enough for me. I have so much more I need to get out into the world. I can’t sit back while these bastards frolick on parade. I’m seeking something…
I’m so sick of seeing these lug-nut-bastards stomping across hallowed ground, devouring the pure souls of the poor and feeble. I’ve ran the gauntlet and have been through fire. I’ve seen the enemy in the sunlight and he is hollow, he is weak. Strength painted on cardboard by “tricks” and “connections.” He is NOT impregnable, and thus it doesn’t take a goliath to bring down a goliath. I can and will prove this.
Now the enemy quivers: for the weird guy speaks out.
Talk soon,
P.S. Here is a rough demo of a song of mourning I wrote 4 years ago concerning this subject. I feel encouragement when I listen to this song, because I know all too well who I was when I penned these lyrics, and I can see how drastically I have evolved in those areas I was concerned with in this song. Change is possible. “All things grow.”